Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Stranded Motorist Survival Tips

You’re driving, not a care in the world, when your car breaks down or you get stuck some other way. No matter the cause, it’s an unnerving experience, especially if it happens on a busy highway. Do you know what to do if you find yourself stranded? Read on for some general tips that can help you stay safe if your car breaks down.
  • Slow down and pull off the road: If you notice something is wrong with your vehicle while driving, ease your foot off the gas pedal, signal and carefully steer your vehicle toward the right shoulder. Put the car in park, engage the emergency brake and turn the steering wheel away from the road. That way, your car can’t roll into oncoming traffic.
  • Be visible: Make sure you can be seen by other drivers. Turn on your hazard lights and if it’s dark, turn on the interior dome light as well. Roll down the driver’s side window and hang out a white cloth or piece of paper and roll the window back up to secure it in place. This alerts drivers that your vehicle is disabled. If you can safely do so, open the hood, a universal sign of car trouble.
  •  Call for help: If you have a roadside assistance provider, call them. 
  • Stay in your vehicle: Getting out of your car can put you in danger of being hit by oncoming traffic. Sitting in an immobile vehicle with traffic all around you is unnerving, but attempting to cross a freeway or busy street on foot is extremely risky. Of course, if your engine’s smoking or you see flames, get out! If you must leave your vehicle, always exit on the side away from traffic. 
  • Wait for help to arrive: Avoid the temptation to try to fix your car by yourself. Play it safe and wait for emergency personnel to arrive.
Every break down comes with its own unique set of circumstances. Just remember to stay calm and exercise caution.