Friday, July 22, 2016

Why having a "local insurance agent" is better for you than an "800# agent"

In my opinion, it is ALWAYS better to have a local insurance agent rather than an 800# agent. My reasoning is as follows.

  • To us, you are a client , not just a policy number;
  • As a local agent, we get to know you, your family and your needs;
  • Insurance is a custom fit product, not a one size fits all;
  • If you have a question, we are there personally to help you;
  • When you call our office, you always talk to the same people, not a call center;
  • If you need a recommendation for a body shop, plumber or repair person, we are in the neighborhood and can guide you to qualified professionals;
  • Should you need additional coverage, we are there to recommend that coverage;
  • If you can make changes to your policy to help you save money, we will recommend these changes, not so much with "800# agents" or call centers;
  • If you have a question regarding the possibility for filing a claim, a local agent can help you make the right decision. With most "800# agents" or call centers, once you call them, they immediately log your call in as a claim;
  • We offer renewal reviews on your policies, most "800# agents" and call centers do not. They just send you a new bill;
  • Our office offers perks such as free document shredding and free smoke detector batteries;
  • We help support local charities, such as Foothills Animal Rescue and Purple Purse Foundation; 

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