Monday, January 16, 2017

Your life might someday depend on this free app for your cell phone.

And they say the best things in life aren't free.

I came across this free app about 18 months ago and truly believe EVERYONE should have it on their phone. It is called  ICE STANDARD ER 911 - IN CASE OF EMERGENCY and it allows you to put your emergency information on your phone's lock screen wallpaper, in case you are in an accident or have a medical emergency. Even if your phone is in the locked position, first responders are able to view your pertinent medical information

 On my phone, I have the following information:

  • My name
  • Blood type
  • Emergency contacts name and numbers
  • Health conditions
  • Medications I take
  • Allergies
  • Medical insurance information
  • Other info ( I list my doctor's name and phone number)

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