Here are some tips to safer driving in Arizona.
- Turn indicators come standard on all vehicles. Please use them at least 200 feet BEFORE you make a turn or change lanes.
- Posted speed limits are meant to be the speed you should drive. If you want to drive BELOW the speed limit, please limit your driving to the right hand lane.
- A red 8 sided sign with the letters S.T.O.P. on it means come to a COMPLETE stop, yield to on coming traffic and then proceed. That does not mean slow down and then proceed.
- If you are on the freeway and you will be exiting soon, please get into the right lane at least 2 miles BEFORE you want to exit, not 25 feet before you want to exit.
- PLEASE do not text or talk on your hand phone while driving. Your life and mine are to precious for you to take that risk. If you have to talk or text, pull off the road where it is safer.
- Driving is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. Common courtesy and patients will make your driving more enjoyable and safer.
- If you are driving with younger children in your car, REMEMBER, they will pick up YOUR driving habits. So drive safely and teach them proper driving techniques.
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