Wednesday, July 20, 2016

If you have rental properties, please read this.

If you have rental property, you need to make sure you are covered for all possible situations. That is why I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that when you have the tenant sign a lease for your property, you require two things.

1) as part of you lease agreement, your renter MUST obtain and maintain a renter's insurance policy containing at least $100,000 in liability coverage. If your property has a swimming pool, I would recommend the renter have a minimum of $300,000 in liability coverage. This way if someone is injured on the property, the renter has coverage for the injuries and the claim is not filed against your landlord policy;

2) as part of your rental agreement, your renter MUST list yourself or your management company as an INTERESTED PARTY on their renter's policy. This way if they make any changes to the policy or decide to cancel the policy, you or your management copy get a copy of all changes.

An average renter's policy, including $20,000 in personal property coverage and $100,000 in liability coverage is only about $150 per year.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Don't Under Estimate a Thief

Don't Underestimate A Thief!

While a thief is obviously a person making a bad decision, they're not necessarily unintelligent. Don't underestimate someone who is determined to rip you off in one way or another-and they have some clever methods. Statistics show that a thief will take the "path of least resistance." The more secure the situation, the less likely they will be to target it. With all the electronic gadgets available today, it's likely you use at least one or two of them. Here are some steps you can take to try and make things more difficult for a thief so they may be less likely to target you or your home.

"Open, Says ME!" If your garage door opener is removable, and you keep your registration in your car (or other items with your home address), you've just told your thief where you live and given them a way to get in. And imagine that the thief located this information in your car while it's in long-term parking at the airport - now you've also provided information that you'll be gone for a long time. TIP: Take your remote garage door opener with you when leaving your car (even for a few hours).

"GPS, Take Me Home": Was "Home" one of the first locations you programmed into your GPS? This, in combination with having a garage door opener creates a situation similar to the first scenario. The thief now has a way in to your house and can just have your GPS direct him straight to your house. TIP: Keep the "Home" setting, but change it so it directs you to a nearby location (e.g., store or gas station) so you can still find your way home.

"Hubby, Sweetie, Honey, Mom": Take a look through your contacts list on your cell phone. Do you use nicknames for your loved ones, or do they use them for you? If you got a text from "Hubby" that said "In line at grocery store. Forgot PIN for debit card. Text it to me please." Or from "Mom" that said "What's our garage door keypad code again?" What would you do? More than likely you'd promptly text the necessary information. If the phone was in the hands of a thief, you have just given them access to your bank account or your home. TIP: Don't assign nicknames in your contacts. In addition, if they are requesting sensitive information, confirm their identity by asking specific questions via text or, better yet, call and talk to them. Furthermore, if you DO confirm the identity and text the information, be sure to delete the text later, and make sure your "Hubby" (or Sweetie, or Mom) does too.

Missing Item Found! Have you ever lost something of value and reported it to the "proper" authorities (e.g., mall security, airport security, library lost and found)? Just think how happy you'd be if you got a call that they had your item and that you should come and claim it immediately. If it's a thief who actually made the call, they're now aware that you'll be out of your house for a while-perhaps enough time to burglarize your home. TIP: Look up the "real" phone number (don't just use the caller ID display) and call to confirm that the "item found" report is valid before leaving your house.

Bottom Line:Take your time and think before acting, speaking, texting. If it doesn't feel quite right, or if you're revealing information that you would normally keep secure, pause and think it through before revealing it. As previously mentioned, thieves use their smarts and can be tricky. They will rely on the element of surprise, count on "typical" human responses, smile and be charming, look you straight in the eye and speak with confidence-all while getting you to reveal information or behave in a way that works to their advantage. Visit the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety for more helpful information.

Computer Ransom

In  the world we live in today, there are new threats popping up every day. If you have a commercial business insurance policy, you need to be concerned about "Computer Ransom".

Computer Ransom is when a hacker downloads a virus into your business computer that locks up your computer and all the information you have in it. Then, you get notification that for a "fee", they will release the computer and it's information to you. Fees (blackmail) range from $2500 and up. The police, FBI and computer experts will tell you to pay the fee, since they have no way to correct the situation.

If coverage for this type of event is important to you, please contact your insurance provider so they can talk to you about this coverage and possibly add it to your policy.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Why are my auto insurance rates going up?

I get asked this question every day. Here are some of the factors that may effect your premium.

  1. Credit - Thinking is that the better you handle your credit, the less likely you are to have an accident. (I am not a real believer in this one);
  2. Driving History - The more tickets or accident claims you have over a 5 year period, the higher your rates. The assumption is that that make you a higher risk for more ticket and accidents and so you have to pay higher rates;
  3. Type of vehicle you drive - The more expensive car you drive and/or the smaller car you drive (usually less crash worthy), the higher the rates;
  4. Location -  Insurers usually rate zip codes by the number of accidents and claims that happen in a zip code. If you live in a zip code that has fewer accidents or claims, your rates may be lower;
  5. Drivers - Your age and driving experience make a major difference in rates. Younger drivers between the ages of 16 to about 25 tend to have more accidents/tickets due to their lack of driving experience;
  6. How you drive your vehicle - Many auto insurers believe that "pleasure driving" is more risky than driving your vehicle to work every day, (I am not a believer in this one).

How do you help reduce your existing auto insurance rates?

Discounts          Discounts          Discounts
  1. Auto Pay - Many insurers will give you a discount if you set your payments to be debited from your checking account or credit card;
  2. Pay in Full -  Some insurers will give you a discount if you pay your premium in full at every renewal;
  3. Multiple Policies - Most companies will give you a discount if you have your auto or home with them;
  4. Good Pay -  Some companies will give you a discount if you pay your premium on time every period;
  5. Accident / Ticket Free -  Many insurers will give you better rates the longer you are accident or ticket free.
These are just a few ways to save on your insurance. It is ALWAYS best to contact your insurance agent at least 30 days before your renewal to discuss any discounts that you can get or any changes to your policy. Agents are here to give you the correct coverage for the best price. There should not be a "cookie cutter" approach to insurance.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Car Rental Coverage and Additional Insurance

As an insurance agent, it is my job to make sure you have the proper coverage, just in case of an accident. Please review your auto policy to make sure that, if needed, you have rental car coverage on your policy.

The cost for $30 per day rental (small size vehicle) coverage on your policy should be about $29.45 every 6 months per vehicle. This means if you are involved in an accident and need to rent a car while your vehicle is being repaired on a covered claim, you can rent a car for $30 per day up to 30 days and it should be paid by your insurance company.

Many of my customers that have two or more vehicles have chosen to refuse this rental coverage, believing that if they were involved in a car accident, they could car pool for a short time, if needed.

I have also been asked the following questions by my clients:

  1. Do I need to purchase the "extra coverage" that is offered at all care rental companies? If you have "full coverage" on your existing policy ( collision and comprehensive coverage ), then you do not need to purchase the additional coverage. Most insurance companies (check with your agent) extend the same coverage on your rental car that you have on your own vehicle. In my opinion, the only time you should consider purchasing the extra coverage is if you are going to a place that has icy or snow covered roads.
  2. Does it matter how I pay for a rental car while I am on vacation? Many credit card companies will cover your collision and comprehensive deductibles on your rental car due to a claim if you place the bill on their credit card. Check with your credit card company before you rent your vehicle.
  3. Does my car insurance policy offer me any discounts if I have to rent a car for a vacation? Some insurance companies offer discounts from some car rental facilities. Don't be afraid to ask. My insurance carrier offers me discounts and also would pick up the cost of your rental vehicle while it was unusable due to an accident when you had it rented. This is called "loss of use" but for me to get this benefit, I have to choose from specific car rental carrier . Be aware, this could be an expensive fee you you do not have that coverage. It could range from $200+ per week.

Monday, June 6, 2016

AZ Dust Storms

It's getting to be Monsoon season here in AZ. Remember, dust storms while intense, only last for between 10 and 20 minutes.

You’re driving, not a care in the world, when your car suddenly enters an AZ Dust Storm. No matter when and where, it’s an unnerving experience, especially if it happens on a busy highway. Do you know what to do if you find yourself stranded? Read on for some general tips that can help you stay safe if your car breaks down.
  • Slow down and pull off the road:  Ease your foot off the gas pedal, signal and carefully steer your vehicle toward the right shoulder as far as you can. Put the car in park, shut off your lights, engage the emergency brake and turn the steering wheel away from the road. That way, your car can’t roll into oncoming traffic.
  • Stay in your vehicle: Getting out of your car can put you in danger of being hit by oncoming traffic. Sitting in an immobile vehicle with traffic all around you is unnerving, but it is the right thing to do.
  • Wait for the dust storm to end: Play it safe and avoid the temptation to drive your vehicle when the visibility is bad..
Just remember to stay calm, exercise caution and everything will be alright.

Top Driver Distractions

Every day, distracted driving kills more than nine people and injures more than 1,100 and, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, accounts for more than 1.5 million collisions a year. Stay safe and help ensure the safety of others by recognizing the most frequent causes of driver distraction and taking steps to avoid them.
  • Talking or Texting: Did you know that driving while using a cell phone (handheld or hands-free) impairs driver reaction to the same level at the legal limit for impaired driving with a blood alcohol content of .08? The Traffic Safety Administration also states that texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to crash. Put aside your electronics! Pull over on the side of the road to use your phone if it’s an emergency.
  • Adjusting the Radio/GPS: These are all distractions that take your eyes off the road. Adjust these devices before you put your car in gear. 
  • Personal Maintenance: We’re increasingly busy people, but our vehicles are not the place to take care of life’s daily tasks, such as applying makeup or eating. The vast majority of us experience a noticeable decline in performance when we try to do multiple things at once. Don’t gamble with your ability to multi-task – take care of yourself before you hit the road.
  • Roadside Diversions: Looking at a roadside accident, landmarks or a billboard, even for a few seconds, takes your mind and eyes off the road. Consider that, at 55 mph, your car will travel the length of a football field in about five seconds. That’s plenty of time for traffic conditions to change radically. Always focus fully on driving.

    Multi-tasking is something to avoid when you’re behind the wheel. When driving, keep your attention focused on the road. If you must address another concern, pull off the road and stop your vehicle in a safe place. Eliminate driver distractions, and you can help make the roads safer for everyone.